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Anchor 1

There’s something distinctly uncomfortable about this drawing. A seated figure in a

yoga pose with outstretched arms, touching the Code Red border just enough to stop it from collapsing in.


The third in the series of large drawings from the recent Bodiness: call and response collaboration with dancer Erin Fowler, Gaia 2022 affirms how vital feminine energy is to all life. But it’s more than that. This drawing reflects the very uncomfortable truth about the role humans play in the climate crisis currently unfolding on the planet. It is on humans shoulders to restore equilibrium, to realise at a deep level our fundamental kinship with all living beings.


Like Artist John Olsen said “I’m in the landscape and the landscape is in me”. There is no division. Sky above and earth below are connected by a body as metaphor for the symbiotic relationships inherent to the health of all beings on planet earth.

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